Just one step a day one small step every day one simple and easy step each day
will change your life forever!

Featured goals by our members

Cook ratatui

be happy

clean my car

meeting with Alexey

заказать маски для волос

make the server side

study 10 words in Spanish

make 3 tiktoks

complete the exercise

почитать книгу 20 минут

COIs drafts

Get home earlier

aws class and data analytics classtoday

сделать дело

sleep well


Set your easy goal for today


Note that you have completed it


Get support from your friends


Track your progress


Use our machine learning tool to generate next goals

Change is difficult, it requires too much effort and stress. Sometimes it’s easy to give up just thinking about how much you have to do. Stop it! No need to be afraid! No need to doubt! No big changes are needed! Just make one little step TODAY, and your life will change forever. There are no doubts to become the better version of yourself just today. And there are no excuses. Tomorrow isn’t exist yet. Focus on today, today is the day to make a small easy change. Unpasso supports you with these small changes, and one day you will be surprised and excited how far you can go through small everyday steps.

Unpasso isn’t a website or just an app. It’s a community of people who don’t afraid to become something different, become a better version of themselves. Not a better person but a better version no matter what it means. This community supports everyone regardless age, sex or nationality. Because your steps are always public, and they are your personal commitments to change. And your goals and your achievements inspire others to make their steps.

It is absolutely free unless you need our help in achieving your goals. If you have a dream, you want to learn a foreign language or learn to play piano or guitar, you want to become a better lover or start meditating, we will provide you easy little step every day to help you with your passion. However, you need to prove first that you can maintain your movement with your personal tasks.

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